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Growth Alliance

Form meaningful connections and engage in curated discussion in small groups of 3-4 marketers

How it works

Introduce yourself

Complete a short questionnaire to help us form the most meaningful matches

Get matched

Meet your group members and discuss logistics, goals, and expectations

Connect and learn

Engage in regular discussion and curated learning activities

What is Growth Alliance?

We believe the journey to marketing mastery is best traveled together, and we’re inspired by the profound transformations that can result from a supportive, tight-knit community.

As a Growth Alliance member, you'll be matched with a small group of 3-4 marketers based on your combined interests and experiences. You’ll work together over the next 3 months to explore topics like AI, automation, leadership, goal setting, community engagement, retention, and more.

This is more than a network—it’s an opportunity to form an advisory team of world-class marketers who support and encourage each other to grow.

What's included?

  • Placement in a group of 3-4 marketers from the Automagically community; matching is based on your role, company size, experience, and interests

  • 3 month commitment to your group (with connections that last a lifetime 😉)

  • Biweekly discussion topics and curated resources

Your commitment:

  • Readiness to support your peer group over the next 3 months—asynchronously, synchronously, or both

  • Confidentiality and privacy within your group

  • Reasonable response times for questions or feedback

  • Availability at agreed upon meeting times

  • Helpful and respectful interactions

Questions you might have:

How much time should I expect to dedicate to the program?

There are no meeting or participation requirements for the program. Each group will determine its own time commitments and meeting cadence based on what's best for its members. We’ll get a sense for your preferences in the intake questionnaire and match you with members who have the same or similar preferences (e.g. time spent per week, synchronous vs. asynchronous).

Generally speaking, we suggest 1 hour every 1-2 weeks for discussion and support.

What happens to my group at the end of the program?

Your peer group doesn't need to disengage at the end of the program. In fact, we hope you don't! We created Growth Alliance to help marketers connect and learn from each other. We hope this program gives you meaningful, lifelong connections and a trusted network to support you in your career.

What if there's a conflict in my group or I need to request a new pairing?

If you believe your interests don’t align with the rest of your group, or you’ve run into a conflict you can't resolve on your own, please reach out to @Erin Gusty on Slack for support. You may also contact [email protected] at any time.

Who can I contact if I have questions or need support?

You can reach out to one of Automagically’s admins at any time. Find us on Slack @Erin Gusty, @Tessa, or @Jaclyn. Or, send an email to [email protected].

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